The Rushmore Hockey Association is promoting a “CHASE THE ACE” fundraiser to support the General Building Fund for the Thunderdome.
• Purchase tickets for $5 per ticket, 5 tickets for $20, 15 tickets for $50 or 40 tickets for $100. Purchase tickets via the website, Venmo or on site cash payment. Tickets must be purchased each week to be eligible for weekly drawing. No limit on ticket purchases.
• Proceeds from tickets sales will be used to fund the weekly winner while the remaining funds will build the progressive pot. Tickets are discarded after each drawing.
• Advance weekly sales will end at 5 pm each Tuesday to prepare for the weekly draw.(Cut off time is subject to change based on number of entries.)
• Must be 18 years of age or older to be eligible to play.
• Name, phone number and envelope number must be submitted when purchasing ticket(s) to be eligible.
• Only one envelope number is available for each purchase, no matter the ticket amount.
• First drawing will be held on September 26, 2023 at Buffalo Wings and Rings, Rapid City SD. The drawing will be weekly each Tuesday evening at 7 pm until the Ace of Hearts is drawn.
Advanced weekly sales will be cut off will be at 5:00 pm on the day of the drawing to be eligible for the current weeks drawing.
In person payments can be accepted until 6:30 pm on the day of the drawing to be eligible for the current weeks drawing.
RHA reserves the right to adjust cut off times based on the number of entries for drawing.
• The weekly winning ticket will select the sealed number envelope from the board, containing a single card from a deck of 54 cards, jokers included. No cards will be returned to the deck.
If a joker is drawn the winner will receive an extra $50 added to the weekly drawing sales.
• Once the Ace of Hearts is drawn, the event will end and a new event will start with a new progressive pot, a new deck of cards and will continue until the Ace of Hearts is drawn.
• Guaranteed Ace of Hearts payout is $1250.
• RHA reserves the right to add additional winning options at their sole discretion.
• Weekly drawing will be facilitated by a RHA representative and shared via Facebook Live on Tuesday nights.
• Full name, phone number and envelope number must be submitted during ticket purchase.
• Need NOT be present to win. If your ticket is selected and that envelope number has already been picked, the next highest number envelope will be chosen.
• Weekly winner will receive 10% of the weekly ticket sales and have selected envelope number drawn for chance to find the Ace of Hearts.
• If the weekly winner draws the Ace of Hearts, they will receive 50% of the progressive pot. (After applicable fees and taxes.)
• Tickets are discarded after each drawing. A new ticket(s) must be purchased each week to be eligible for the drawing.
• Weekly drawings will be held on Tuesday nights streamed on the Rushmore Hockey Association Facebook page. (subject to change)
• The deck of cards contains 52 playing cards and 2 jokers in sealed (1-54) numbered envelopes. Once a card has been drawn, it will be displayed in the case but not be available to be drawn again.
• The game continues weekly until the Ace of Heart is found.
• One weekly winner will be drawn, the numbered envelope on the ticket will be drawn. RHA reserves the right to add additional prizes at their sole discretion.
• Weekly winner receives 10% of the weekly sales and chance to find the Ace of Hearts from the deck.
• If the winner draws the Ace of Hearts, the progressive pot is split 50/50 with the Rushmore Hockey Association (minus applicable taxes and fees).
• Prize money will be sent after necessary tax information has been obtained.